News Feed

Link to the ATOM feed pageSubscribe to our news feed for ongoing news, alerts and website updates delivered directly to your feed reader.

What is a News Feed?

A News feed is a data format used for providing users with content that is new or is substantially changed or reviewed frequently. Content distributors syndicate a News feed, thereby allowing users to subscribe to it. Making a collection of News feeds accessible in one spot is known as aggregation, which is performed by an aggregator. A News feed is also sometimes referred to as a syndicated feed. The two main News feed formats are RSS and Atom. This web site uses the Atom format.

How Do I Use a News Feed?

The basic process is as follows:

  • Your Web browser may already support news feeds. If so, simply click on the RSS link to subscribe to the feed.
  • Alternatively, you may download / subscribe to a free news reader or purchase one of your choice instead.
  • Copy and paste the URL of the feed into the appropriate field of the news feed reader.